Aw... the term "freaking out" normally used when one is losing control AND showing it...or not! On January 21, I had a client who was exactly 40 weeks. For whatever reason, I had a feeling she would have her baby that night. I called her around 7pm to ask how she was feeling. She responded with the normal...I am having contractions, of course not in any pattern and not too painful! She had sounded annoyed for the previous 3 weeks because she was so ready to "get the kid out"! But when I talked to her that night, she was so peaceful and calm....I teased and said that I wanted her to call me at 3 am just for the fun of it and myself, along with Melody and the students could do a drill. I wanted something to happen...time was nearing for other births and I was sweatin it and bored outta my mind :) She said she would call..."just for fun" and that she would talk to me later. I went on ahead to home and got some stuff done and had a very long devotions. I feel like I had a meeting with God that night about many things and I stayed up until 1:30 am ...hmm It wouldn't have so bad if I could have slept in ...oh but no, my phone rang at 2 am and it was my client calling that her water had broken just 30 min before. I tried to get her to lay and rest, but then a contraction hit her on the phone and I immediately knew, I needed to leave. I hung up the phone and alerted the "birth team". When I was on my way to her house, I had called back to let her know, and she was telling me how quickly they were coming. I stayed on the phone with Melody while we were meeting at our client's house...partly to keep focused and awake (I had only had 30 minutes of sleep) and also to pray for the birth as we always do. It was incredible the timing of ALL our arrivals. I showed up first with Melody and Rose Mary 3 minutes behind me, Joni, 10 minutes after that and very shortly after, our client's doula showed up. I was greeted at the door by "Daddy" and his first response was "WHOA you are already here...she's in the back"!! I went down the hallway to find my client just out of the shower standing and leaning on the wall. The first thing she said to me in a very quiet and calm tone was "I am freaking out!" It was so hard not to laugh just because her behavior and actions did not match. I reassured her that she was doing great and as Melody walked in the room, all she could do was repeat how much she was freaking out. I asked her if she wanted to get on the birth stool , lay down, or get in the tub..she dropped to the floor on hands and knees and repeated calmly that she was freaking out and how she wished she would stop! I couldn't believe it, she was perfectly calm and you couldn't even tell she was contracting. I put her on the birth stool and did a 3 minute read. I really don't think the baby was liking her position because her heart rate was dipping which seemed unusual for where she was in labor (6cms). As soon as we changed her position and put her on hands and knee, Baby was alright with everything and was happy with her position. I never really heard much more than a groan and oh S*** once. I asked if she wanted to get in the tub and she finally made her way there. It was in the tub where things got really QUIET. She had been wanting to do hypno-birthing, but her husband wasn't %100 on board so she figured she would do bradley again...this was NOT bradley. Once in the tub, she totally drew back inside herself and you couldn't even hear her breathe, much less have a contraction. I kept finding myself mouthing to my student asking if she was still contracting? Then it happened ...TRANSITION! Her silence went to deep groaning. I asked her what she was feeling. Her husband replied, "Pain, she feels lots of pain, don't worry, honey, I answered her for you" She doesn't remember him saying that but I wanted to wring his neck :P He began to chuckle....he was so supportive and good to her. A few minutes passed and I asked where she was feeling her pain? She replied with "between my butt and my T***!" She didn't say much but what was said was very colorful :) ! She was a hoot! Anyhow, she felt pushy and started to do so...the only thing was her position and the water level was a bad combination. Either she needed to get in or out...she told me she was not moving! Therefore, we drained the tub and proceeded to push. In no time flat baby JamieAnn was born at 5:22 am. She was born with her hands up by her chin and a long cord that got wrapped up with mom's leg as she turned to grab her baby! Just before she came, friends, grandma, and big sister were all there to welcome her arrival. It was a very sweet birth. Mom and baby stayed in the tub until they were done with their bath. Postpartum went by quickly and as the sun was rising, mom was getting into bed to finally snuggle with her baby girl. In retrospect , I have to say that this was one of the most calm and quiet births I have attended. At her first postpartum visit, my client felt that she was out of control and freaking out the entire time. Then she realized she drew so far into herself that she didn't remember her labor or delivery, hence me writing about her birth story. I can only dream of my birth when I can "FREAK OUT" just as she did.
**note ** My client requested I write this for her and I thank her for allowing me to share this special birth on this blog!